Raffles Pondok Indah - Court C

Outdoor multi-purpose (basketball, futsal) court at Raffles School, Pondok Indah

Raffles Pondok Indah - Court C

at Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
  • Jl. Gedung Hijau Raya I No.1, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
  • From Rp. 150.000 / Hour
  • Monday – Friday: 18:00 PM – 22:00 PM
    Saturday - Sunday: 07:00 AM – 22:00 PM

Instructions: To enter the premises, kindly please show your vaccine certificate to the security prior to entering. This is a strict regulation. Failure to show vaccine certificate will result in no entry for that person.


  • Width: 28m
  • Length: 15m

House Rules:

  • Smoking is not allowed in this premises
  • Due to the ongoing situation in Jakarta, this court currently limits the number of people inside the court at any given time to: 15 people maximum
  • We provide basketball, please exchange your ID card to the security officer to use the ball. (Kami menyediakan 1 buah bola basket, harap untuk menukarkan kartu identitas anda kepada petugas security untuk mendapatkan bola nya dan bisa menukarkan kembali pada saat selesai memakai bola)
  • Violating any of the house rules may result in eviction and cancellation of booking without refund


  • If the court is not in suitable condition for playing during your booking time, we will issue you coupon for free reschedule. To claim your coupon, please email us at [email protected].

Mohon Perhatiannya:

  • Mohon parkir kendaraan dengan tertib dan rapi
  • Dilarang meninggalkan barang berharga di kendaraan masing-masing dan diharapkan selalu menggunakan kunci ganda pada kendaraan anda. Segala kehilangan dan kerusakan bukan menjadi tanggung jawab pihak Flex ataupun Sekolah
  • Petugas Security hanya bertugas untuk menjaga di pintu akses masuk dan keluar fasilitas olahraga, mohon untuk ketertiban parkir menjadi tanggung jawab para pengguna
  • Parkirlah kendaraan anda ditempat yang sudah disediakan oleh pihak Sekolah
  • Penggunaan lapangan selain kegiatan basket dan futsal seperti Shooting, Event, dll harap menghubungi pihak Flex terlebih dahulu
  • Refund Policy:
    Free refund on requests made 7 days before booking date by sending us an email with your booking order number to [email protected]
  • Cancellation notice:
    The venue owner reserves the right to use the venue for event purposes. In the case of event use, the venue owner and Flex will notify this cancellation at the earliest and will provide full refund.
Category: Basketball, Futsal

Court Schedule

Please click and hold the desired booking time in calendar.

Book your court Now!